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If you wish to submit code to AQ, you can start by reading the style guide in the developer documentation. Then, write the relevant code based on other documents in the developer documentation.

  1. Fork AQ’s GitHub repository. (If this is your first time submitting code to AQ)
  2. Write the relevant code in your forked repository.
  3. Submit a Pull Request, including a description of the code you’ve written.
  4. Wait for the code to be merged. (We may contact you if we have any questions about the code you submitted)

Pull Request

Submitting a Pull Request

When submitting a Pull Request, please add a brief title or description explaining the content of the submission.

Reviewing a Pull Request

If you are a core developer (with permission to submit directly to the core repository), you can review Pull Requests in the AQ repository. If the Pull Request meets the requirements, you can merge it directly. When merging a Pull Request, please write a descriptive commit message. Do not use GitHub’s default message.


Writing Documentation

If you wish to write documentation for AQ, you can follow these steps:

  1. Fork AQ Docs’ GitHub repository. (If this is your first time submitting documentation to AQ Docs)
  2. Write the relevant documentation in your forked repository.
  3. Submit a Pull Request, including a description of the documentation you’ve written.
  4. Wait for the documentation to be merged. (We may contact you if we have any questions about the documentation you submitted)

Translating Documentation

To translate documentation, follow the same steps as writing documentation. When translating, try to maintain the original style and format. You can use relevant tools, but please ensure language accuracy.

If you have additional language needs, you can raise an Issue. If you are capable of translating into more languages, you can directly add the language. (To add a language, you need to first add the sidebar translation in the astro.config.mjs file)

Reporting Bugs

If you find any errors, vulnerabilities, defects, or other issues in the software, documentation, or other works, you can raise an Issue in the corresponding repository or contact us. We will address the relevant issues as soon as possible.

For more details, see the Bug Reporting page.


If you have any other unresolved issues, you can directly raise an Issue on GitHub or contact us. If you have feedback or suggestions, you can also raise an Issue or contact us.